Options to Support
Thanks you for your generous and kind support.
Your prayers are vital to this work. We are seeking prayer partners who will commit to a season of prayer for this mission. Despite our brokenness and weakness, we believe God will use His people as we depend on Him daily for all of our needs. Pray for laborers, gospel opportunities, faithful relationships, and The King’s Well leadership and launch team.
Planting churches is a difficult task. For this reason, we believe that it will take 3 to 5 years to become self-sufficient. We cannot do this without the sacrificial generosity of brothers and sisters with a heart to see churches planted. We are asking our potential partners for either a one-time launch gift or a recurring monthly commitment spread over 3-5 years.
Finally, without passionate Christ-loving people, the vision to plant The King’s Well cannot happen. If God has burdened your heart to do more than give financially or pray, then let’s talk. We need like-minded people who want to see God glorified and proclaimed to our community.
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The King's Well
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3095 N 140th Ave
Goodyear, AZ 85395